Ruins of mill in Ruda Maciejowska


          Ruda Maciejowska is adjacent to Emilcin from the north-east. Originally the village was called Rudka (1552) and the name was related to ore, which was mined here. After running out of raw material, the settlement changed its character to the agricultural. In the Register of poll tax from 1674 year village is recorded as Ruda. On the map of Charles de Perthéesa village is marked as Ruda Maciejowska.



          The oldest structures which can be seen in the village are the ruins of the watermill and power plant and the remains of the old bridge on Chodelka river.




          The archival documents from the years 1924 and 1925 concerning the power plant construction at the mill we encounter a certificate, dated 23th September 1924 year, for which the content is (the original sonority):

          "The municipality of Opole, county of Pulawy certifies, that a watermill in Ruda Maciejowska, belonging to Ludwik Nowakowski, exist over a hundred years  - during the war in 1915 it was completely burned and in 1916 was rebuilt anew. We noted also, that no complaint about the flooding of adjacent land during the existing of the mill were not reported."



         27 years after construction of of the first hydroelectric power plant in Poland (Nowy Targ), in 1925, hydroelectric power station is launched in Ruda Maciejowska, acting at the existing mill belonging to Ludwik Nowakowski. Power line runs
from Ruda Maciejowska through Emilcin, Zosin, Piszczek, Janiszkowice to Opole, Niezdow and Zajaczkow.






        In the eighties of the twentieth century the mill was demolished (the wooden part and equipment), only the walls remained. At the turn of XX and XXI century the owner removes the last residue of power plant - power generator, but it was not suitable to use.

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