The incident in Emilcin
The date of 10th May 1978 knows every citizen in Emilcin and every enthusiast of the UFOs in Poland, and many in the world.
That was the day when Jan Wolski, 71 year-old farmer from Emilcin, after 7 AM was returning from his friend from Dabrowa Pusznienska. Reaching through the forest he saw two identical, small creatures. They were dressed in black uniforms and were going in the same direction that the driver was heading. When he was closer to them, he stated that they have green faces. When the driver pass by them - they jumped on the wagon and so drove tens of meters.
Entering the clearing, the farmer saw the vehicle, that looked like a bus floating on a background of trees. He linked their passengers with it. When they close to the object at a distance of about 30 meters, one of the newcomers motioned to stop the car and mr Wolski did it..From the place where they stood a quiet buzzing, issued by the vehicle, could be heard. Together with strangers he went toward it (all the time working through the instructions issued by their gesture). When they stood in front of the vehicle, one of the beings entered on the platform, lowered from the vehicle and showed that Wolski should do the same. When he did it "a little lift" quickly moved up and stopped in front of the entrance.
Inside the vehicle were two dressed equally, identical persons. On the floor was lying several black birds that were alive (were moving) but could not get up. Creature, that entered the top with mr. Wolski, recommended him, by a gesture, to be stripped. At a time when the farmer was removing the clothes, the other creatures were eating something like an icicle (they were breaking a pieces and were putting in their mouth). He has also been offered, but he refused. When he was completely naked, one of the strangers stood before him, at a distance of about 1.5 m, holding two "gray saucers". By joining and disconnecting "saucers" stranger "examined" Wolski on each side. During the procedure, the creatures were communicating with each other. Very interested thing for them was a leather belt at the lying pants. When they manipulated it, a grimaces were on their faces. At the wall, opposite the entrance there were two holes, into which was inserted, from time to time, a ball ended rod. The ball was putting in and the creature was moving it in all directions. Inside the vehicle was perceptible a pungent smell. Wolski said, that it was like a burning sulfur. At the end they shown to the farmer that he can dress up. When he did it, they gave to understand that he can go.
While standing in the doorway he turned over, bowed, took off his cap and said "goodbye." Four beings inside imitated a nod and on their faces a grimaces was appearing again. Wolski stood on the platform and quickly rolled down. He walked to the car and looked toward the vehicle. From the entrance looked at him two or three creatures. When mr. Wolski returned home (it took him about 4 minutes) he had alerted whole family. His son with the neighbor ran to the place of meeting but neither the vehicle nor the creatures was gone.
Photos and a story are from the book by Zbigniew Blania-Bolnar "The incident in Emilcin", Lodz 1996.